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Montrose County Colorado Arrest Records

Colorado Public Records /Colorado Arrest Records /Montrose County CO Arrest Records

Are Arrest Records Public in Montrose County, Colorado?

Yes, arrest records are public in Montrose County, Colorado. According to the public record act, these records are available to the general public for access. This means that anyone can request and obtain arrest records in Montrose County, Colorado.

How to Find Arrest Records in Montrose County, Colorado in 2024

To obtain arrest records in Montrose County, Colorado, you can start by visiting the official website of the Montrose County Police Department. They may provide an online portal or a dedicated section on their website where you can search for and access arrest records. Additionally, you can also visit the Montrose County Court's website as they may have a section for public records where you can find arrest records.

Another option is to visit third-party websites that provide access to Montrose County arrest records. These websites have been carefully selected and reviewed by a team of public record experts to ensure their reliability. One such website is the City of Montrose Police Press Releases, which provides access to news releases related to the Montrose Police Department. You can find this website at City of Montrose Police Press Releases.

It's important to note that when searching for arrest records online, you may be required to provide certain information such as the individual's name, date of birth, or case number to narrow down the search results.

Police Departments in Montrose County, Colorado

  • Montrose Police Department: 434 S 1st St, Montrose, CO 81401, (970) 249-9110
  • Olathe Police Department: 420 S Horton Ave, Olathe, CO 81425, (970) 323-4357
  • Naturita Marshal's Office: 114 W 1st Ave, Naturita, CO 81422, (970) 865-2286
  • Nucla Marshal's Office: 300 Main St, Nucla, CO 81424, (970) 864-7333

Please note that the above list includes the police departments in Montrose County, Colorado, along with their respective addresses and phone numbers. These departments play a crucial role in maintaining law and order in the county and ensuring public safety.

Lookup Arrest Records in Montrose County, Colorado

To lookup arrest records in Montrose County, Colorado, you can visit the official website of the Montrose County Police Department or the Montrose County Court. Additionally, you can also use the City of Montrose Police Press Releases website mentioned earlier to access news releases related to arrests in Montrose County.

It's important to ensure that the websites you visit to lookup arrest records have a status code of 200, indicating that they are functioning properly. One such website that provides access to Montrose County arrest records is the City of Montrose Police Press Releases.